Oldfurlongers Gathering and Appointment of Clerks

Post date: May 17, 2014 8:27:56 AM

By Toadflax Nosely  Oldfurlong is a living community! Hardly a day goes by without some residents meeting for merriment. I call all Oldfurlongers to come meet your neighbours, appoint clerks to be listed as contacts in the Oldfurlong Directory and talk of coming events in our neighbourhood. And there will be songs, dancing and snacking!

Date:        May 28th, 2014

Time:        7:30 pm UK / 8:30 pm CEST / 2:30 pm servertime

Location:   The small island in Oldfurlong Pond (36,3S, 74,2W)


Event details:

Are you a resident of Oldfurlong in the Shire Homesteads? Come meet your neighbours, hear about (or propose) future events in Oldfurlomg and participate in appointing clerks.

Oldfurlong was a very quiet neighbourhood when I moved in this last winter. Now it's lively and we will soon see the third Oldfurlong event of this year (which is the Aleford sisters' burrow warming). And there is talk of more events to come. Now come and meet those of your neighbours you haven't met before and gain new friends!

I want all Oldfurlongers to come, be they Tall or Fair, Hobbit or Dwarf! You are welcome!

And here's the agenda for the meet:

First, I will sing you a song fitting for the occasion.

Second, I propose we appoint two clerks to be listed in the Oldfurlong Directory. The duties of these clerks will be to act as points of contact for anyone seeking information about Oldfurlong and what's happening there. So what's required to be a clerk is to more or less know who lives in Oldfurlong and what is happening there.

I am suggesting the title of clerk to avoid any titles which could be construed as conferring any authority on the appointees - the Oldfurlong I know functions as an autonomous collective, and that's the way I like it.

Further I propose the term of appointment be one year at which time we appoint new clerks (if possible no clerk will serve consecutive terms), and that the two clerks do not belong to the same Kin, and that appointment is made by consensus if possible. In case we have to vote, I think it fair that each residence (not kinburrows!) have one vote (and residences who have no presence at this Meet do not get to vote). Third, let us get to know each other and talk of what we would like to happen in Oldfurlong  - and let's eat, drink, dance and be merry!

Summons to this meet has gone out by Quick Post and also by filing at the Archives and a post in the Bramblebury Gazette.

Hope to see you all on May 28th!

Toadflax Nosely, 2 Brookbank Street

((OOC details:This meet is intended for people living in Oldfurlong or having their Kinburrow in Oldfurlong to get to know each other and further the (re-)emerging roleplaying community there.

If you're not an Oldfurlonger in this sense and do not have a good reason (such as being a reporter) to be at this meeting, this meeting is not intended for you. Though it is not my habit to turn any well-intentioned people away.

If you - as a not-Oldfurlonger - would like to party in Oldfurlong, I suggest you come to the burrow warming there on May 25th instead, which is for everyone.


If you're wondering about the term "Autonomous Collective", follow the link.
