Hobbity Hamlets ~ We have a winner!
Post date: Aug 16, 2015 9:50:0 AM
Spoiler alert: This article contains the solution.
Do you remember our first ever crosswords puzzle, the Hobbity hamlets? Cleverly made by Mrs Armeriana Spudplucker, it really had our readers stumped! Another month was granted to those who were still trying to solve the puzzle.
But we now have a winner! Miss Pennyroyal Greenworthy of Songburrow was the first to send in the correct solution. Well done, Miss Penny! You have received your prize, consisting of 19 pouches of pipe-weed and 19 mugs of honeybrew beer ~ one of each for each hamlet.
Below is the solution to this amazing puzzle. Traditionally, puzzle solutions are often printed upside down, but we've found another way to prevent readers from inadvertently seeing the solution when they don't yet want to.
Hobbity Hamlets Solution: ((select the text below to read))
2. The place to keep common supplies (5) STOCK
5. Feel free to tease in this burrow (10) NEEDLEHOLE
10. Immerse oneself in the novel (7) NEWBURY
11. No bee so bold flew the length of the gaffer's furrow (10) OLDFURLONG
14. Hide your particulars in the prickly shrubs here (11) BRAMBLEBURY
15. A proper place to consider one's course (7) WAYMEET
16. Here we find Hal cooking liver (8) HARVILLE
17. I hurt my neck avoiding crows in this empty place (11) CRICKHOLLOW
18. This is a snug community (11) TUCKBOROUGH
19. No clue? Turn it around my dear halfling (8) HOBBITON
1. There are new neighbours in this old valley (9) ELDERGLEN
3. Beyond Bag End they sing songs of travelling far away (8) OVERHILL
4. Take a stroll to these musical holes (10) SONGBURROW
6. Smaller friend of our capital (6,7) LITTLE,DELVING
7. Not a place for the anxious (5) SCARY
8. He would haul his logs to the lobby, I heard (8) WOODHALL
9. A Great Hole at the end of a Long Road (4,6) MAUR,TULHAU
12. The groom in front garbled his words (10) FORGMORTON
13. Mount your pony, but not from the right (7) STADDLE