February OAKS: Fall in Love with Ohrwurm
Post date: Jan 26, 2018 2:54:15 PM
By Acorne Oakley
I wood like to give a BIG thanks ta Master Ken fer bringin his band ta the Oldfurlong neighborhood fer the January OAKS. Master Ken ya rocked from beginnin ta end!! :D
And also I wants ta say I am most sorry fer any of ya who had ta miss that sensational party we had wit the Mardi Gras Party Band...it was tree-mendous!
((Here be a lil reminder from that sweet Miss Leddyzep..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvg1g88C3K8 ))
Now we look ahead ta the February OAKS....
I have herd that February be a time fer luv and romance
Since luv means mighty different things ta different folks...I thot which band can I find that plays all different kinds of music....so everyone can find a song they will luv in the concert??
I thot ...and I listened ta a bunch...and I found one...a mighty special band wit a mighty sweet lass as its leader....I found a true musical delight.....
I asked Miss Reganilda how she wood describe her music and she told me that she dont really prefer any certain type of music...she plays earworms from around the world *giggles*
Her music be the kind that crawls inside yer brain and makes it impossible to fergit it *grins*
No worries cause these worms wont hurt yer ears nun...but yer feet may be a bit tired after all the dancin *chuckles*
This OAKS will not only entertain ya...but it may also give ya lots of lovely memories wit the music Ohrwurm will be puttin in yer head.
Join us in the Shire homesteads in the neighborhood of Oldfurlong on the second Saturday of February.....
when ya can just relax, lite up a pipe, get a mug of beer, and hum along wit the wondrous tunes that will be floatin thru the air ta ya!
Afterwards ya'll probably be dancin all the way back ta yer burrow!
where: the town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood in the Shire homesteads
(Altfurch auf Deutsch / Longuevieille en français)
when: Saturday February 10th at eight bells in the evenin
(( 20:00 UK time / 21:00 CET / 15:00 server time ))
Warm hugs ta everybodee,