A Housewarming tea party social in Weedhallow
Post date: Jun 08, 2021 9:20:43 PM
By Agago Longleaf
Finally got around to getting things rolling on the housewarming party. You see, the Purple Pipeweed Parlor band has moved from Oldfurlong to Weedhallow. Basically it is a social ((RP)) event, with 'dinner' music (lighter music with no vocals) so we can socialize. Story telling and poetry are welcome. Dancing is encouraged. Open theatre stage, so smaller bands, duets and solo's are most welcome. Pets encouraged, but preferably small domestic or farm types. A short neighborhood pet walk is planned. Musical interaction with kite flying. Home brewed ale and tea. Home baked tarts. Farm grown pipeweed. Did I mention the raffle? There will be one or more with a very special prize too!
Inhabitants of Weedhallow have received personal invitations (except for the kinhouses, as we do not know individual names there yet, but they are also welcome!) In fact, everyone, regardless race is welcome!
What: a housewarming tea party social
Where: 5 Harrow Road, Weedhallow
When: June 26, 19:00 ((UK time, 2pm servertime))
I hope you can make it to the party too!!!
Warm Hobbity hugs
Agago Longleaf
p.s. To read about all that happened read this.
((OOC details:
RP event, all races welcome. Open mike, round robin outdoor stage with 'dinner' music. (Softer music with no vocals since it is a social event). Very casual. Bands can play 4 songs, if another band wishes to play next they may assemble off the steps of the stage. No set schedule. Same for poets or story tellers. You will receive a party package when you enter (or as soon as we can get to you). One of us will put you on a list with a number for raffles through the evening. You won't have to worry about keeping up with any number or take any action to enter. Come help us celebrate our new home. Sponsored by: Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band ))