Bramblebury Gazette September 2010, First Edition
Page 1 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
Welcome to the first edition of the Bramblebury Gazette!
As temporary and self-appointed editor of this newsletter I welcome you all to your new neighborhood. I hope and wish that you will start to love this place and that it may grow to be a lively community. To help keep you informed of all the goings on, the Bramblebury Gazette has been called into existence. If you have a newsworthy story, are planning a party or concert in this neighborhood or elsewhere, do not hesitate to announce it in the Gazette. For inhabitants of Bramblebury it is free of charge! We are aiming to have at least a monthly edition.
Page 2 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
Bramblebury is a relatively new housing estate and at this time of writing there are 12 inhabitants and two residing kinships. As it is a freshly opened neighborhood, nothing is being organized at the moment. There is no Deputy-Mayor yet and no local Shirrif. There has been a partyplanner assigned to Bramblebury, but so far no events of note have been organized by him. The vaults and shops are in operation and are functioning well. At some time in the near future, elections shall have to be held for Deputy-Mayor, Shirrif and Assistent-Partyplanner. Candidates can already make themselves known to the editor of this Gazette. Preceding the elections there will be a special edition of the Bramblebury Gazette.
Page 3 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
There have been sightings of an unknown person lurking in the dark in the fields near Harrow Road. So far no one has dared to occupy a house in that street. This neighborhood can't be without a shirrif for much longer! Anyone having information on this so called Dark Runner, please send it to the editor of the Gazette. Any inhabitants of Bramblebury who are certified bounders, please make yourself known as well. Maybe a temporary neighborhood watch can be formed.
Page 4 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
People are talking to the Mayor in Michel Delving about the often callous way some horseback riders pass through the town's area. Should there be a speed limit? Should they keep left? Or better keep right? You can expect an interview with the Mayor in the next edition of the Gazette.
Sunday September 5th, 20:00 (BST) a concert by the “Songburrow Strollers”will take place at the Green Fields, at Brockenborings's stage.
Every Friday night 20:00 (BST) there is a social evening at the Green Dragon, Bywater. Entertainment, food, drink and good company are all provided.
Page 5 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
The Bramblebury Gazette is made by volunteers and is aiming to inform the inhabitants of Bramblebury of events that may concern them.
General Gazette Quickpost address: to be announced
Editor: Yola Plumblossom, 3 Wending Way
Assistent Editor: Byronbrand Stepwise, 3 Chalk Road
Sketch artist ((screen-snapper)): vacancy
Local kinship correspondents: vacancies
To apply for a vacancy: contact the editor
Page 6 of the Bramblebury Gazette September 2010
As the mail system is rather limited (this Gazette had to be sent page by page. We don't want to try that again!), we offer you the possibility to receive the Bramblebury Gazette by Quickpost ((e-mail)). If you want to subscribe, please supply a valid Quickpost address by replying to this mail.
The supplied address shall only be used to send you your future editions of the Bramblebury Gazette.
To unsubscribe: send a mail to the editor, stating that you no longer wish to receive the Bramblebury Gazette.
((If you do not have a suitable Quickpost address, we recommend applying for one at, as they will supply one with speed and do not require much, if any, personal information.))
Ed.: A special reprint of the first edition to mark the first anniversary of the Bramblebury Gazette. All writing by Yola and Byronbrand. Reader's comments to the first edition can be found here.
Miss Lina's lovely song in honor of the official launch can be found here.