Good turnout on election luncheon

Post date: Dec 06, 2010 3:50:6 PM

On december 5th inhabitants and visitors of Bramblebury came together for a grand luncheon under a splendidly decorated tree, much resembling the welknown Party Tree on the Hill. This tree however was not on the Hill, but in Bramblebury itself. While enjoying a multitude of pie and Bluebock Ale, old friendships were renewed and new friendships were forged.


Master Bovso Oakengates started off the official part of the evening with his introductory speech, followed by Miss Yola Plumblossom, who told the audience about things to expect on election day itself. As a reaction to Miss Plumblossom's words, a mouse-haired hobbit stepped forward as he had a question to ask. All heads turned toward this stranger whom nobody had seen before, let alone heard his name. After whispering something to Miss Yola, the two of them walked away, leaving everyone wondering. Master Bovso quickly asked two members of the Pied Pipers to fill in the gap with their music, which they gladly did and with full zest. This way Master Bovso prevented the crowd from following the two, who obviously had important things to discuss. The Pipers soon made their audience forget that and everyone had a good time dancing. And all cheered for Miss Cloves and Miss Firefern.


Upon her return to the festivities, Miss Yola had an astounding announcement: The unexpected guest, introduced by the name of Hamwick Noakes, was another candidate for Deputy Mayor! More about Master Noakes' candidacy can be read in a seperate article.


It was then decided to continue the evening as planned with speeches by the candidates. Unfortunately Master Byronbrand was unable to attend this evening and he had sent a representative in the person of Master Peppy (or was it Peggy?) Bristlebrush. Master Peppy performed this task in a marvelous way, almost impersonating his principal and imitating the peculiarities of Master Byronbrand in such a vivid performance, one would almost forget that it was not the actual candidate doing the speech.


Next up was asked Master Hamwick, but as suddenly as he had appeared, he had also left again. So Miss Nimelia Stoutfoot stepped onto the platform to present her speech. Our only candidate present for the post of Local Shirriff mesmerised the audience with her wit and her story. Shouts in the sense of "My vote goes to you!" were her reward.


As the other two candidates for Shirriff had not shown up to present themselves to the voters, Master Bovso came forward to thank everyone for coming and concluded the official program. Then it was time for the local Bramblebury musicians to step onto the stage and entertain the audience. One of them being Master Peppy, who made it a good job again to represent Master Byronbrand, this time as a musician. Miss Tibba played the theorbo and Miss Akelay the flute, when she was not leading the dancing herself from her high position on the stage. And let's not forget Miss Yola, playing the clarinet.


The election committee can look back on a succesful evening and has high hopes, that election night will attract an even bigger crowd.