Winter Poetry Competition 2024
Winter companions
By Nannie
The Winter tree
Is fast asleep.
She dreams, in reams
Of snow knee-deep
Unfortunately the Winter Poetry Competition had to be cancelled due to too few contestants.
The poets who did sign up, have been invited to share their creations with people at the Hobbitry's Yule Party next saturday.
The weather is turning colder, them nights have drawn in. Soon snow will cover these lands, as the earth sleeps in peace.
This is the time ter take stock of all things grand.
Ye are invited ter join me, once more in the festive town of Frostbluff, ter host this year's Winter Poetry Competition!
So all ye poets of the land, old hands at the art and those wanting to try their hand. All are welcome!
Be ye of the Race of Man, Mountain folk, Elven or Hobbit. Tis time ter grab yer quills and start writing.
As always, ah provide three topics fer ye ter choice from fer inspiration. This year, they are:
Dreams of Summer
Winter Delights
If ye wants ter take part, then send yer name ter me either via the Quickpost or just let me know when ye see's me about.
We will meet near the stables in Frostbluff and then move ter a more quieter area, all the better ter enjoy yer poems.
Let's find our next Winter-Time Bard!