The Songburrow Story Club
Post date: Jan 02, 2019 7:19:38 PM
By Pycella Woodberry
The new year brings new things to the hobbit community: the Songburrow Story Club starts in early February.
Date: Sunday 3rd February
Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime))
Location: Songburrow Hall, Songburrow, 4 Brookbank Street, Shire homesteads
Hobbits love a good story, and you can hear many good ones at the Shire inns, told by gammers and other storytellers. But inns can be busy and loud sometimes, and some people prefer more peaceful places for storytelling. I am fond of stories, so I wanted to start a storytelling club in my home village, Songburrow. I would like to make this a recurring event (maybe a quarterly event), but that depends on how many folks are interested in participating, and how often.
What happens at the Songburrow Story Club?
The Songburrow Story Club is an open event for hobbits who love stories. You can either come as a storyteller or a listener – anyone is welcome. The meetings will be informal and relaxed, allowing folks to have free interaction with each other. However, we will have some special themes for each meeting – for example, I might ask folks to prepare a story or a poem beforehand on a particular topic. But all that is voluntary though – this is not the Homework Club, after all! Also, we might do some storytelling games, like a Round Robin Story. We might share some gossip as well. And of course, any stories and poems are welcome to this event, you don’t have to stick to the special theme nor make anything brand new for the meetings. The special themes serve merely as an inspiration for folks who’d like to write something new, but you can certainly divert from them and share something else too. If you miss the meeting, you can always share your writings at the weekly Green Dragon Fridays where stories are very much welcome.
Our first meeting will be on Sunday 3rd February starting at seven and half bells inside the Songburrow Hall. Here are the plans for our first meeting:
Welcome words and a toast for the new club
Introduction of participants, if there are new hobbits around
Special theme of the meeting: A story from your childhood
We might also have other stories, games, and gossip
Possible plans and ideas for the next meeting
The special theme: A story from your childhood
Our first special topic is quite simple: a story from your childhood. You can either prepare a detailed story of something that happened in your childhood or just describe the case just in a few words. The others might have questions though, so be prepared to answer their queries if needed. It would be grand to learn more of our backgrounds. Maybe you took part in some mischief in your tweens? Maybe you had an odd neighbour who you feared as a small hobbit? Did your wild imagination lead you to unexpected adventures in your own neighbourhood? Share your childhood tale as a story, a poem or just with a few words!
So, welcome all story lovers! I look forward to seeing many of you in February. Oh, and I will make sure that there will be pie for all.
((OOC: This is a roleplaying event for hobbits, although some travelling dwarves might also come and stop by. If you are a storyteller, you might find Simbo’s Poetical plugin useful. The main purpose of this event is to give us hobbits a chance to roleplay our characters, give folks inspiration to write creatively in the LOTRO setting and just have some relaxed fun together. It might be wise to keep the length of your stories reasonable, so that one story won’t take the whole evening to tell. The event itself will last about 1–1,5 hours, depending how many stories we have. Welcome all hobbit roleplayers, both old and new!))