The Hobbitry Presents The Yondershire Inn Crawl!
Post date: Apr 21, 2022 4:57:23 PM
By Demelsa
Date: 27th April, 2022
Time: 7.00 PM ((UK time/2:00 PM server time))
Location: Needlehole, The Shire
We’re off on a fun-filled wander to inns Yonder! We will mark the opening of newly built roads into Yondershire with games and activities (with prizes!) before closing the night at The Roaring Bull inn–the local of Bandobras “Bullroarer” Took himself–with some lively tunes!
Join us on our kegsploration and inn-spections as we hop between Yondershire’s four drinking establishments, with merriment, games and activities, and ale a-plenty along the way.
Games and Activities:
((OOC details:
Update 33 adds a new region of the Shire, called Yondershire. This is the sparsely populated north-western region of the Shire, full of thicket and fen-lands, home to recluses and rascals amongst the Shire-folk, and the decedents of The Bullroarer himself! We will celebrate the expansion of the Shire by inn-hopping through Yondershire.
This is a Hobbit and dwarf-preferred event, though other lankier sorts may attend.
Yondershire is a level 20-23 area, but we’ll strive to keep lower levels safe.
Gather at the Needlehole stable master. Send a /tell to an officer if you arrive late.))