The crowning of the Shire May Queen and King
Post date: Apr 30, 2022 1:55:23 PM
By NannieĀ
The voting has now closed and the tally is being made.
On Sunday May 1st or Beltane as sum call it , we will crown our next Shire May Queen an King!
First, ye needs ter know where ter go?
So many places are full o' folk setting off them fizzers, tis hard ter think at times.
We will gather at 4 Myrtle Court in Oakham, 7:30 pm ((BST/2:30pm servertime)) where the doors an grounds of People of the Shire have been opened up ter ye all!
Am hoping ter get the Maypole up in time fer yer ter dance around.
Bring a picnic if ye likes, bring fizzers too if ye've any left!
Let's do our out going Queen an King proud and celebrate the new as well!
An if any musicians feel like strumming a tune or two at the time, do let me know an ah'll give ye a nod when ye can play.
So much ter do, ah plum fergot about tunes!