The 2022 hobbit Yule drawing, first meetup

Post date: Nov 28, 2022 2:1:12 PM

By Lina Willowwood 

Yule love it! 

Yule is getting nearer, and what better thing to do than to make a large drawing to greet yer friends a very merry yuletide? Not much! So here we go!

Date: Sunday December 4

Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime))

Location: 2 Silver Street, Tham Orbarad, Cape of Belfalas Homesteads

We will have two meetups again this year to help make the drawing. The first will be Sunday December 4, while the second is on Tuesday December 13. See below for details!

What will happen this year? Will there be ballets with purple snow beasts or surprise parties for old lonely hobbits? Will Shire animals fight in the fields, or will them youngsters sigh over a lack of snow in the Shire? Take part to find out!

This first meetup is inside a festive Yule house in far-off lands. How to get there, yer might ask?


Once again, I’d like to make a yule video with as many hobbit players on Laurelin as possible. The video will be released December 24th, in the Hobbity Yule Calendar.


This first video shoot is the most action-packed one, while the second on Tuesday Dec 13 will be lazier. For this first video shoot, please remember:


In addition to the video shoots, I’d also love it if all hobbits sent me an individual screenshot of themselves in-game, in a festive/merry/yule motive. I can use those in the end credits of the video.

Formatting of the screenshots:

For inspiration, here is the yule video from last year.  ))