Summer Poetry competition

Post date: Jun 05, 2020 11:47:4 AM

By Jadite Bumblefoot

O the summer time has come

and the trees are sweetly blooming

and the wild mountain thyme

grows around the blooming heather.

Will ye go lassie, go? 

The sun is almost at it's highest in the sky and ye all know what that means!

Tis the time once more ter see who will become this years Summer-time Bard

Barring no other gatherings booked there, we'll meet at the Grand stage near Bywater fer a grand night.

Tis traditional fer a some topics be given, fer those taking part ter base their poems on. This year is no different, ye'll have ter choose from the following:

Fishing, an adventure or a resident of the Shire (Either NPC or player)

Location: Methril Stage, Bywater.

When: Saturday 27th June

Time: 7:30 pm ((BST / 2:30 servertime))

Topics: fishing, an adventure or Shire resident

Prizes: Summer-Time bard title, plus anything else I can find down the sofa!

All races are welcome ter sign up fer this most grand event, and I'll look ferward ter seeing ye all on the night. Bring a picnic ter enjoy and music will be on hand fer yer dancing pleasure.

If yer interested in taking part then drop a message  via the fast post ter meself - Jadite or me Nannie.
