Stars of the Valar Lite up the OAKS
By Acorne Oakley
A most sincere thank you ta dear Irenella, Aerin the Bard, and all the other Great Willows fer an outstandin November OAKS. It was so much fun dancin ta the marvelous music of the Great Willows Blues Band!
dear Irenella enjoyed the evenin as well ~grins~
I know cause durin my announcement fer what band be comin ta the December OAKS ..I saw her huggin Skobertus. He looked like a mighty happy dwarfie all thru the encores :)
The OAKS audience is mostly kind folks just here ta laugh, dance, and sumtimes sing along wit the music ...but one in the audience in Oldfurlong fer the November OAKS need a good talkin ta ...
so .... I'm atalkin ta ya, Lag Monster!
Shame on ya fer disruptin the marvelous music wit lag ..yup ..ya be the worst! Ya're not allowed ta attend any more OAKS.
Fortunately Irenella refused ta be a victim of the Lag Monster's rudeness and walked out inta the audience ta play her cowbell close ta his ear til he left.
Woohooo Irenella!
as many of us know ...Irenella is a remarkable arranger, an awesum musician, a dynamite dancer, maker of memories, a good-natured prankster, as well as a truly outstandin friend but she be also fierce enuff ta drive away the LAG!!!
just in case ya mite have missed any of the November OAKS ,,. here it is all again ..
thanks ta my dear Sweet Neighbour
It is almost Yuletime in our neighbourhood here in our Shire it's almost time fer ...
Grandpapa Yule ta bring presents fer all the good lasses & lads.
This year I'm gonna help him cause it be my honour ta grant the wishes of many folks when
Sternchen Der Valar
comes ta the OAKS!!
Gwaihir the Windlord be makin a special trip ta Oldfurlong ta bring these folks fer a very special holiday treat fer all of us.
where: the town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood in the Shire homesteads
((Altfurch auf Deutsch / Longuevieille en français))
when: Saturday December 7th at eight bells in the evenin
(( 20:00 UK time / 21:00 CET / 3pm server time ))
Iffin ya herd them afore ...ya know ya dont wanna miss this chance ta enjoy them again ...
and iffin ya havent herd them afore ...believe me ..their music will thrill ya so much that ya'll be seein Stars fer days .
warm hugs ta all,