Shire's got talent!!
Post date: Sep 07, 2019 11:35:34 AM
By Nannie
One night at the Green Dragon, Matzo and I were recalling the days of our youth. Of the many talented folks we knew and how they made us laugh. Which got me ter thinking, why no try ter do something like that again?
So, this is a shout out ter all those Poets an Storytellers, ter the bands and the soloists. Can ye tell a good joke or riddle? Or maybe some of ye wants ter do a short play? All forms of entertainment are welcome!
We know you have talent, our Art's Corner proves it
As I'm looking fer a good variety of talents, I will have ter limit the number of bands and sololists
ter four in total - so first come gets the place there. Each act will have up to ten minutes ter perform.
Now the important stuff, the date!
Saturday the 28th of September is the one ter put on yer calendar. Ah hopes ter start at 7:30pm((BST/ 2:30 server time)) The location will be finalized this week.
After much dashing around the Shire, ah think it's best ter hold it at the Methal-stage. A good open air area will do the shy folks taking part some good.
As fer judges... all will be revealed on the night.
So, come on folk what are ye waiting fer? Show us yer talents and let me know yer interest!
Twill be a grand night ter remember!