Sharing party
Post date: Feb 24, 2014 11:58:5 AM
By Acorne Oakley
Acorne Oakley would like to announce that she is havin a sharin party at her place 5 Myrtle Court in the Oldfurlong neighborhood on March 1st.
It'll start wit all the lasses comin at 7 and a half bells ((2:30 servertime)) when Acorne will open up her clothes chest and share her dresses wit all the other lasses. Every lass will be able ta take one home wit least 30 outfits available. Mrs Toadflax has kindly offered ta bring dyes along so lasses can change the colour iffin they like.
Then the lads will be welcome ta join the party at 8 and a half bells ((3:30 servertime)) fer a dance contest.
Prizes fer the best dancin couple so be sure and find ya a partner afore then.
Course there will be food and drink fer all.
and mor dancin after the contest.
Come on over and have sum fun :)