Scream Dragon Friday
Post date: Oct 14, 2022 3:28:50 PM
By Pycella Woodberry
The days are getting darker and scarier. Every creak in your burrow makes you spill your tea, the wind howls like Maggot’s dogs, and the freshly-baked pie on your windowsill vanishes mysteriously… There’s only one way to shake off the shivers. Be scary yourself in good company!
Date: Friday October 28
Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM server time))
Location: Green Dragon Inn, Bywater
On 28th October, we will have a special spooky Green Dragon Night. Dress up in your scariest outfit and make the others shiver! Scary tales, poems, songs, riddles, and other entertainment is also most welcome on this night. If you have entertainment to offer, please whisper to Miss Pycella during the night.
Come and scare off the scary spirits at the Dragon on the last Friday of October!
((OOC: Usual Green Dragon Friday guidelines apply, so this is a roleplaying event for hobbits, with travelling (and scary) dwarves welcome.))