Pointy hats and scaredy cats

Post date: Oct 29, 2011 9:18:47 AM

By Lina Willowwood  A fancy dress and ghost walk party in Hobbiton? How could I ever stay away from that? I couldn’t! 

Last night, I attended a scary party at the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton. Many of me friends were there, all dressed as scary beasts or wicked hobbits or assorted ghostly things. Good thing no-one wore a burned biscuit-costume, that would have made me faint or somet!

Miss Jadite organized the party, and after an initial round of drinks, music and poetry, prizes were given to the finest costumes. Miss Yllisa and a Matzo-looking Miralith singled out a few hobbits worthy of praise. Miss Cloves gots the first prize dressed as a bear, while master Osterby came second with his ghostly goat costume.

As soon as them prizes had been awarded, the group set course fer the scary cellar beneath miss Lobelia’s burrow on the Hill. Much shivering and shaking ensued as the guests wandered through the damp basement, and a scary poem by Simbo didn’t help on already frazzled nerves either. Many sighed a breath of relief as they passed through a mysterious door and ended up inside Bag End. Luckily, Lobelia weren’t there. The group settled near a cozy fireplace inside, but had hardly started their search for pie before being subject to a final shock: Master Lingard crashing through the roof and starting on a story almost before landing on the floor! The night was rounded off by miss Jadite, who recited a poem and wished the guests a safe journey home.

Shocks and scares aside, it was a most lovely and atmospheric night in Hobbiton. Here’s hoping there will be more of the sort!

Ed.: This report was taken with kind permission from Miss Lina's own bulletin board.