Piper Goold and Auri Neeves Say "I Do!"
Post date: Jul 18, 2021 10:43:54 AM
By Engelbrecht "Piper" GooldÂ
On Thursday morning, July 8, Engelbrecht "Piper" Goold and Aurikel Neeves were wed on Buck Hill in a small family ceremony presided by the Master of Buckland Saradoc Brandybuck. The happy couple will reside in Goosevale in the Southfarthing of the Shire where the bride's family has a small farm. Family members present were the bride and groom's widowed fathers--Greis Neeves and Angilberct Goold--the bride's older brother--Rostig Neeves--and the groom's three younger brothers--Warinbert, Childebrand, and Theolind Goold.