Pie Shop Hobbits Grand Release Party
Post date: Aug 20, 2017 9:17:8 AM
By Skepto Shireskald
Pie Shop Hobbits Shire Tour is now officially over. However, during our Tour, and to pass time on the road, we produced a pile of songs with lyrics, that we would now like to share with you. Some of them was played on the tour, others are brand new.
Furthermore, we are so lucky that a handful of our very favourite bands has agreed to warm up to the concert!
In other word - it's going to be a SMASH of an evening, and YOU are invited to be there!
The concert is being held in the Shire Homesteads, Serrigar's Nook, 4 Myrtle Court, and it all starts at 6 PM ((UK Time)) - so don't miss out! Kindly see the flyer for additional information, or contact the band at skeptoshireskald@gmail.com
We's looking forward ter see as many of yas as possible!
Well met!
Pie Shop Hobbits