Our new Shire May Queen and King

Post date: May 04, 2022 3:51:14 PM

By Peppy Bristlebrush 

Under great interest of many Hobbits, on May 1st Nannie announced the winners of the election of Shire May Queen and King.

After a quick meal we were lead outside where a mysterious bug.. errr..burglar had just brought back all the possessions of our host, the People of the Shire kinship.

Nannie kept us in suspension a bit longer and there was a nice Maypole to dance around which many of us did. And then the moment we had all been waiting for had finally arrived.

Without further ado, I will now give you the names of the winners:

Queen Demelsa


King Xobin

will rule the Shire for the upcoming year.

As usual and well deserved, the previous Queen, now Princess, Diaspore and her king Aodhfin received the thanks of their former subjects. They will not be forgotten.

King Xobin was more or less (mostly less) subtly reminded of his election promise: a pie for all who voted for him if he got elected. You will receive your pie, he promised, if you send him an ((in game)) mail message.

Then the newly crowned Queen and King danced together and soon all joined in. The Maypole was used again and soon some Hobbits felt the need for a nap. Everyone thanked Nannie for her efforts to make the election possible.

King and Queen can be seen here dancing for the first time together, to music provided by yours truly