Orange was the new green.. for one night
Post date: Feb 14, 2015 10:35:3 AM
By Rubellita Brandybuck, pictures by Peppy Bristlebrush and Rubellita Brandybuck
For the benefit of Gammer Took, Miss Lina Willowwood and all other hobbits who could not be present, here is an impression of a very special night in Bywater's Green Dragon Inn..
What a splendour, what brightness on Orange Dragon Friday! It was like staring into the sun. Note to our young (or drunken) readers: We do not recommend you do that! Instead look at the following sketches, made that night.
It was Master Simbo Rumblebelly who expertly guided us through the evening. Ofcourse he was also tasked with playing the opening tunes, the bounce dance (more about that later) and the closing song of "Home Sweet Home".Thank you, Master Simbo, you did a great job!
Master Merragrim played us a sad song about his deceased wife, Eleanor. But he ended with more merry repertoire which cheered us all up again.
Quite a crowd had gathered meanwhile and more and more dwarves entered and stood quietly in the back, amazed at the abundance of orange garments displayed this night. Some dwarves had read the Gazette and had orange outfits themselves!
A lucky lad here, dancing with three lasses at the same time, all clad in marvelous orange gowns.
You can also catch a glimpse of the dancers with the giant flowers, dancing all in perfect sync!
Summarizing: there was a lot of music and there was a lot of dancing!
Hobbit Heart is seen here, playing lovely songs and merry jigs and reels. Master Simbo stood in for Master Tahitoa who could not be there that night. Miss Amorey surprised the crowd by doing a Baggins trick, but luckily found her way back to the Inn to finish her performance.
Poetry time! A lovely poem by Master Ponso Pondhopper.
And then the inevitable happened: according to Miss Lina's wishlist, bagpipes were inflated, squeezed and made to produce their distinctive sound that gives both admirers and haters the shivers down the backbone!
The wooden beams in the ceiling started creaking, reminding of an unfortunate incident in nearby Frogmorton. Barmy looked a bit worried, but let everyone carry on.
Hooray for Barmy Rootknot!
After that moment, each of the performing bands had at least one tune that needed the bagpipe to be played. Even a dwarven couple, he playing the pipes and she doing a lovely dance, joined the fun.
The Traveling Bilberries....
.. Thornes and Roses, the Brandy Badgers...
All heeded to the bidding of Miss Lina and played the pipes.
Look carefully and wonder why Miss Tibba was not dressed in orange (not to mention not playing her clarinet, but that is another story). Well, she came in a bit late, still dressed in workhobbit's clothes and carrying a spade.
A pigsty project in Songburrow had caused her tardiness, but the work was progressing fine and she found time to join us in Bywater.
Then Master Simbo cranked it up a notch and played the Bywater Bounce on the Dievligish pibgorn!
Personally, I was on the floor laughing most of the time, not able to bounce at all.
It was good fun, this Orange Dragon Friday. When Barmy rang the bell for last round, all were surprised that time had flown so rapidly.
Master Simbo ended this special night by singing and playing "Home, sweet home", not on bagpipe, not on pibgorn but luckily on harp. That was also the sign to go out and light some fizzers! One unruly hobbit could not wait and lit one indoors.. Barmy banned him for the rest of the week, but not for next Friday, luckily!
Next Friday will be an ordinary Green Dragon Friday again. Do bring the occasional bagpipe tune then and dress in orange if it is your favourite colour. You can always refer Miss Lina to this weeks gathering: "O, you should have been there on Orange Dragon Friday! It was much worse then!"
Thank you all for coming and dressing up so lovely. You've all helped to make this particular Friday unforgetable!