OAKS thankful fer the GREAT WILLOWS
By Acorne Oakley
I was blown away by the spectacular OAKS which came ta Oldfurlong in October!
Thanks ta dear Brago, both his brothers, and his stunnin sister fer an evenin that included so many marvelous melodies that everyone found sum songs they luved throughout the concert.
I know I did!!! Another fabulous party ...woohoooo!
Thanks dear Brago fer a most impressive concert and ...
yer kindness & friendship throughout the entire year :)
Also thanks again ta my Sweet Neighbour fer preservin this magnificent memory ...
That OAKS was so much fun ...let us have another soon ...
how 'bout this saturday wit a band that always brings along a good time fer all of us in the audience ....
dear Irenella, the multi-talented leader of this band, is simply sensational!
She can make wondrous arrangements in so many genres ...like from mithril hard Rock ta soft and slow ta swingin jazz ta ol' classics from the days she spent down in Combe ....and everythin atween. I'll never fergit her version of " A Stairway ta the Valar"
And she does it all wit her own friendly, funny twist ...hahaha
A remarkable arranger, a dynamite dancer, a good-natured prankster, an awesum musician
....and a truly outstandin friend ...thank ya dear Irenella fer all of these.
Join us in Oldfurlong this saturday ...November 16 ...ta relax & enjoy the GREAT Willows.
them call themselves the Great Willows Blues Band ..but honestly ya gonna hear more than blues ..more like a Rainbow of Music!
where: the town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood in the Shire homesteads
((Altfurch auf Deutsch / Longuevieille en français))
when: Saturday November 16th at seven and a half bells in the evenin
(( 19:30 UK time / 20:30 CET / 2:30pm server time ))
Wanna know a secret? ~winks~
Irenella be comin wit sum new never-played-afore songs this saturday ...sshh
Warm hugs ta all,