November Fed Poets' Society Meeting

By Aerinbard Fallohide

News has hit the literary and poetical world!

Crates of Ronald Dwale's past poetry found in Mathom House, the Great Smials Library and points all over the Shire some years ago has been compiled into a three volume set by esteemed scholars Crysta Scullberry and Wain G. Hammondaca!

Famed author and poet Ronald Dwale gave his permission for the collection, which includes not only notes on the life and times of this skilled poet, but various drafts of these poems as they evolved!

This highly readable scholarly work is complete at last and the printers are hard at work! Master Aerinbard Fallohide of the Fed Poets' Society hopes to read one of the rarer poems each month at their usual meeting.

Everyone welcome!

This coming month's theme is : Hidden Treasure

The form we will work with is: Lyric Poetry

Lyric Poetry is a broad category that centres around emotions. These poems are often short and expressive and tend to have a songlike quality to them. They can use rhyming verse, or free form and differs from epic and narrative poetry as the focus is on a feeling rather than story.

We meet in Nobottle at Hubo Clayhanger's burrow in Nobottle, Yondershire, onThursday, November 14 at 7:30pm.

Just take the north lane a little to the right from the stable master's and branch off on the north west path. Last burrow on the row!

Fed Poets Society Meeting, Thursday November 14, 7:30pm (UK time)

Hubo Clayhanger's Burrow,

Nobottle, Shire Homesteads

( 26.7S by 79.2 West )

((The Books: The Collected-Poems-JRR Tolkien Edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond, available on ))