No Records Broken, but a Fine Evening’s Fishing
Post date: May 07, 2018 10:55:57 AM
By Ponso Pondhopper
As part of the 10th anniversary of Green Dragon Fridays, a short fishing match was held in the fishing hole behind the inn. Eighteen contestants took part and a total of 263 fish were caught. Not a bad haul, given that this match was shorter than usual. A thoroughly grand time was had by all, with pleasant musical accompaniment and good spirits all round.
Source: Grand Order of the Lost Mathom Forum
The results were as follows:
Mister Brambleblurr, 16 fish, 26 points
Miss Dassa, 18 fish, 25 points
Mister Hooh, 15 fish, 24 points
Main Prizes
3rd place: Mister Pontin, 20 fish, 30 points
2nd place: Nannie, 20 fish, 31 points
1st place: Nimelia Stoutfoot, 23 fish, 40 points
Miss Stoutfoot’s remarkable success included three fish of trophy standard and three edible fish. More remarkably she only snagged one bunch of weeds!
The Weedy Prize of 10 packs of Old Toby, went to Miss Ambrinna for a heroic catch of five bundles of weeds. Doubtless, the enterprising Miss Ambrinna will find some way of turning the weeds into gum for the Quickpost Stamps, which I, personally would find an improvement over the current ingredients.
A matter of concern: among the fish and weeds a total of eighteen rusted implements (bread knives and other sundry cutlery) were fished out of the pond. One can only surmise that these were dumped there by unscrupulous washing up staff at the Green Dragon! Needless to say, I shall be having words with Barmy and hope the necessary action will be taken.
Ponso Pondhopper,
Shire Angling Club