Music from Laterna Magica stories with The White Flames
Post date: Feb 24, 2016 4:55:15 PM
By Trincia Cakewalk
When I was a small hobbit (yes, I have actually been small a long time ago!) my grandmother Doris showed me a very special device that she owned. For me it was magical because when Grandma Doris put a candle inside of it she could show pictures on the wall! I was so amazed of how this all worked, so I examined the magic lamp. Fortunately, Grandma Doris stopped me before I dismantled the magic lamp totally. Instead she showed me how it worked, and then she also revealed her big secret!
Grandma Doris had a whole dresser full of some kind of magical carousel-shaped pictures made of glass. Grandma Doris mounted one of these small carousels in front of the magic lamp, and OH!!! There were moving pictures on the wall! I spent every Sunday afternoon at Grandma Doris’ house watching moving pictures until she passed away many years ago.
From her I learned that the magic lamp was called Laterna Magica in an old foreign language. And I also learned that much music has been composed to make moving pictures more exiting, romantic or sad. Since I spend a lot of time playing music, I found some good old Laterna Magica songs to play for our band The White Flames.
“The magic lamp is making the pictures move! With some wonderful music to those moving pictures it will be quite a magical evening with The White Flames!”
On Sunday the 28th of February we will present all the Laterna Magica songs that we have been practising a lot on lately. For the first time we will have our concert in our own neighbourhood, Gúndalaf in Falathlorn homesteads. Yes, I know it is an elf homesteads, but I happen to have many elves as friends, and they like it best with the pink trees around them.
Don’t miss this magical music evening! Finsamidor will be there. Aifel will be there. Gurudoc will be there. Wuwie and perhaps one of her cousins will be there. Lynith will be there. Stuckfast will be there. And hopefully our new band member Skjaldo will be there, if he has recovered from a bad flu (poor thing has been in bed for over a week!).
I myself will of course be there, and Stuckfast and I will be the hosts for the night.
Here, some facts that are good to know (so you find your way there) *giggle* Date: February 28th, 2016
Time: 19:30 ((UK time / 2.30 pm server time))
Location: The stage on Twinfall Path in Gúndalaf neighbourhood, Falathlorn homesteads.
The White Flames are known for having themes on their concerts. February’s theme is music from the world of Laterna Magica – all those wonderful songs composed for moving pictures.
Laterna Magica is a fantastic spectacle for the eye. But tonight it will hopefully be a fantastic fest for your ears as well, with the music of the talented White Flames.
Come listen, dance and be amazed by the magical music from Laterna Magica with The White Flames in Falathlorn homesteads on Sunday the 28th of February!
The concert lasts for almost 2 hours.
Hugs from Trincia
Editor's note: Although this concert does not take place in the Shire, we can imagine that our hobbit readers will get curious after reading Miss Trincia's vivid description of moving pictures and the music associated with them and would even venture out of bounds to see what's it all about!