Major Mischief by Mayor causes Mayhem in Bywater
Post date: Aug 06, 2021 4:19:25 PM
By Lina Willowwood
Major mayor mischief!
If all goes to plan, the Farmers Faire starts Tuesday August 10. For more than three weeks, Bywater will be a festering pool of chaos, noise and screaming people running around in the Green Dragon, while the mayor eats all the food. Which is no good recipe for a relaxing night at the inn.
So, we’ll do like we usually do: Take Green Dragon Friday elsewhere these weeks, while hoping there will be no silly event encores this year. The plan is as follows:
(( OOC Usual Green Dragon Friday guidelines apply, so this is an in-character event for hobbits. While dwarves are welcome at the events, we kindly ask that elves, menfolk and beornings do not attend. Roll up a hobbit instead, it is grand fun! ))