Green Dragon Friday 15th Anniversary Event – A Review

By Shire Eye

Friday nights at the Green Dragon are always lively affairs so no surprise that last Friday’s 15th anniversary bash turned out to be one humdinger of a party!

The spectacular outdoor fireworks show which signalled the start of proceedings really set things off with a multitude of bangs and flashes which could likely be heard and seen in Budgeford. 

Host Miss Lina Willowwood then invited everyone inside to enjoy an evening of traditional Green Dragon entertainment, with poetry from Master Wybert and a whole host of musical offerings from some of the most talented and well-known artists from the Shire and beyond, presented to a packed house.

Musical highlights included a beautiful contribution from Miss Hollybery and some wonderfully nostalgic lyrics from the ‘Fabulous Friends’ who were joined by Miss Anerra Happyheart.  One song in particular, written by Master Peppy’s sister Yola for the 4th Green Dragon anniversary celebration, brought tears to the eyes of some of the patrons who remember those times.  

Miss Adamantja Clearwater’s lyrics evoked all the sensations of lazy summer days by the river, immersed in the beauty of the Shire, and the Brandy Badgers performed a set of Green Dragon songs, including a brand new piece composed especially for the this 15th anniversary celebration.

The Songburrow Strollers gave the final musical offerings which included Miss Lina’s famed ‘Bywater Bouncing Song’. Those who still had power in their limbs, having danced the night away, joined in the springy frolics associated with the bouncing ritual with great gusto, urged on by Miss Pycella who is known to love a bounce!.

The fun and games did not end there.  Miss Lina held two prize raffles and Miss Pycella had devised riddles to solve, where the answers were items to be found inside the Green Dragon itself.  Master Saelo was awarded a special prize for coming up with the most creative answers – all wrong!

As is traditional, guests had been invited to wear green costumes and these included some highly innovative, and it has to be said some quite bizarre, outfits.  Congratulations go to Miss Freylis who was presented with the prize for the most original design.

Of course, no hobbit party would be complete without food and drink and the menu presented by Miss Pycella did not disappoint.  Indeed, just listening to her description of the fine dishes on offer was a gastronomic experience in itself.  The food included many local specialities and of particular interest to connoisseurs of fine vintages was the fifteen year old Brockenborings Brandy.

Miss Lina is, of course, known to be a stickler for tradition and as well calling everyone to order to hear the news (or ‘newts’ as the regulars like to call it) it fell to her to deliver the Anniversary Speech.  Miss Lina invited the company to reflect on and remember, for a moment, those Green Dragon patrons no longer with us for whatever reason, and this proved to be a very moving moment for some of those present.  Miss Lina went on to welcome all newcomers to the Dragon and reminded everybody that it is their attendance and participation which keeps the Green Dragon experience alive as we look to the future.

Everyone expressed their thanks to Miss Lina and Miss Pycella for their hard work and to everyone else who contributed towards making this such a successful evening.

The evening ended as it had begun, with fireworks in the inn yard and it was a bunch of very happy hobbits who, having said their farewells, headed homeward. 



We hobbits are great lovers of rumour and gossip and speculation of all kinds is a regular feature at Green Dragon Fridays.  Last Friday’s event was no exception and it would be remiss of me not to mention the fact that there was much talk of romantic liaisons and even, dare I say it, impending matrimony!  

However, this reporter will mention no names – that, and all further speculation, must be left to the Gazette’s gossip columnist (I believe there is a vacancy!).