Hobbit Yule Drawing*, Part 2 December 15
Post date: Nov 23, 2015 9:14:47 AM
By Lina Willowwood
Yule is near, and what better thing to do than to make a large drawing to greet yer friends a very merry yuletide? Not much! So here we go! This is the second meetup to make this year's Yule drawing ((*video)) for the Laurelin hobbits!
Date: Tuesday December 15th
Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime))
Location: Sûri-kylä, Forochel
(( The second shoot for this year's yule video is Tuesday December 15th, in Sûri-kylä far north in Forochel. We'll go on a merry jaunt through the village, not least stopping to warm ourselves regularly on the campfires near. Also... there might be bathing involved... *shivers*
This shoot takes part in the level 40-ish zone of Forochel. This means that low-level characters have a bit of work cut out for them, since we may not be able to summon you there due to level requirements. There is a swift-travel option from West Bree, which you may be able to unlock with a Mithril Coin. If not, let us know in advance and we might be able to escort you there (but not on the night itself - then we'll be busy shooting the video)
Hopefully yer are up for it! The video will be released near Yule, most likely on December 24th.
Also, I’d love it if yer hobbits sent me a screenshot of yourself in-game, in a festive/merry/yule motive. I can use those in the end credits of the video. Please use high-quality screenshots (1024×768 pixels is really the minimum, but larger is much better), and don’t add any effects or text to the image.
Send it to me before December 21st, at the very latest! Use this email:
For the videos, please remember:
Multiboxers: Please consider coming only on a main character. We need you to be able to move around swiftly and follow orders. Having characters just standing there all unresponsive-like is unfortunate for the end video.
Don't go AFK while in the group of actors. Then you may end up ruining shots, spoiling locations or similar. Run a bit away from the group and hide instead.
Wear warm, festive-looking clothes (red and green are very grand)
Bring lanterns or sparklers if you have them, also fireworks
Bring fishing rods
Have fun!
For inspiration, here is the yule video from last year.
* ))