Hobbit Yule drawing 2019, part 1

Post date: Nov 18, 2019 3:25:54 PM

By Lina Willowwood 

Yule is getting nearer, and what better thing to do than to make a large drawing to greet yer friends a very merry yuletide? Not much! So here we go! This is the first meetup to make this year’s yule drawing for the hobbits!

Date: Saturday November 30

Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime)), PLEASE BE ON TIME

Location: Bramblebury, Town Square, Shire Homesteads


Once again, I’d like to make a yule video with as many hobbit players on Laurelin as possible. The video will be released December 24th, in the Hobbity Yule Calendar.

For this video, please remember:

For inspiration, here is the yule video from last year. ))