Help wanted from Artisan farmers
Post date: Jan 06, 2016 10:16:56 AM
By Onionfarmer Pete
Last year a small group of farmers miraculously grew a forest of apple trees during the Shire wassail by the Brandy Badgers.
And we want to do that again this year!
Now, if you're an accomplished, Artisan farmer, we can use your help!
Buy the following from my cousin Olo Proudfoot at the Hobbiton Farmlands:
Artisan Crop Seeds
Buckets of Purified Water
Some handful of Ereborian Fertilizer
No need to use Lórien Soil. It would be wise to visit Olo's shop before the event starts, so the planting can start when called for.
Then go to Longo Burrow's farm and join the festivities and merriment there.
When the group of Wassailers arrives at the Hobbiton Farmlands, we will wait to see where the Badgers decide to play their music and do their incantation. And then we plant apple trees around them and the dancing audience.
Let's spread out a bit to cover a WIDE half circle before the musicians. Take care of your bit of the half circle only, as the planted trees will not last long (about a minute or two at the most). That way we will keep the impression of being in an apple orchard.
Are you willing and able to help? Then please write a note to "Onionfarmer", the Shire. And I'll see y'all at the Wassail.