Haunted Burrow Walk

Post date: Oct 19, 2019 8:32:32 PM

By Nannie   


The long summer days are quickly fading from memory as the nights start to close in. Hobbits are busy in the fields bringing in the last of the summer bounty afore the frosts start. The cupboards are starting ter fill with the many jams, pickles and chutneys that will see us through the colder months. 

At this time o' years, thoughts turns to things that make us shiver and keep the lights burning bright. I talk, of course, about the Haunted Burrow! 

Each year I've guided many a brave,and some no so brave, hobbits through it's many rooms. I dunna see why this year should be any different?

So I am inviting all those brave folks out there to join with me, fer a night of scares a plenty as we travel through the Burrow under the hill, ter emerge in the warmth of Bilbo's grand home. There as always, we will spin tales of dread and poems ter make a body shiver.

So gather yer costumes, disguise yer true self fer the ghosts will find it hard ter see ye then. Bring a tale or two ter share with us and prepare ter shiver with fear and delight!

We'll meet inside the Ivy Bush, a wee dram ter steady the nerves will be a grand idea fer some,  and walk from there!

So mark yon date! Saturday 2nd November at the chiming of 8pm((GMT, 4pm servertime))

Blessings of the Season be with ye!