Happy 6th Anniversary, Green Dragon Friday!
Post date: May 03, 2014 10:2:56 AM
By Lina Willowwood
It is now six years since the Laurelin hobbits started meeting at the Green Dragon every Friday night. Come celebrate the anniversary with us, hobbits! Here are the party plans!
There are two parties, both held at the Green Dragon in Bywater on the LOTRO server Laurelin, at the usual time of 8PM UK/BST (3PM servertime). Here are some of the things planned (subject to change):
The warmup party on Friday May 9th
The Grand GDF Anniversary Meal
The Grand GDF Tour, where a guide tells stories of different parts of the inn and presents the art/paintings on display
GDF-inspired poems, songs, riddles, limericks and stories
The Grand Anniversary Fireworks Display
The main party on Friday May 16th
The Grand Annual Pie Baking Competition! (see below for rules and signup)
The Grand GDF Cellar Restock Run
The Grand GDF Pony Dance! Bring yer ponies for a dance outside the inn!
The Grand Anniversary Speech
GDF-inspired poems, songs, riddles, limericks and stories
The Grand Anniversary Fireworks Display
As always, Green Dragon Friday is home to many hobbit performers. This time, we ask our performers to:
Prepare riddles, songs, poems, limericks or similar that relates to the Green Dragon, Bywater, Green Dragon Friday and/or its patrons.
Sign up in advance for a given date by sending Lina a letter, so you are guaranteed a spot. Given the other activities planned these Fridays, there will be little to no room for on-the-day sign-ups.
There is likely most time available for entertainers during the warmup party on May 9th.
If there are grand performances, we reserve the right to provide small prizes to those we like the best.
Pie baking competition
To enter the pie baking competition, please do the following:
Be (or create) a hobbit on the Laurelin server
Sign up in advance! Contact Lina and say that you’d like to enter the competition with a pie. There will be a limited number of spots open. So send in your pie letter as soon as possible to be sure!
Come to the main party in the Green Dragon on Friday May 16th at 8PM UK time. The competition will likely kick off near 30 minutes after the event starts. Failure to show leads to instant disqualification
Rules on the night: Be prepared to do the following when called up by the jury:
Describe how your pie looks, by a single emote text (for instance, a rather sad pie could simply be described as “ /e shows a truly bland pie, devoid of any redeeming qualities “).
When prompted by the jury, answer this one question
What are the main ingredients in your pie? Give a short description of that in /say, for instance “Well, I used those moldy strawberries I found lyin’ near them dogs in me Gaffer’s backyard”). A maximum of two short sentences! No long descriptions!
Try to keep your answers fitting to your character and the LOTRO universe, yet most of all short and simple in case there are many participants! Also, avoid power-emoting and describing how good your pie is (for instance, avoid variations of “this is clearly the best, juiciest and most fabulous pie you have ever laid your eyes on” ).
Try to tempt the judges and be creative, but don’t go overboard either! Finally, remember that all pies should be edible and not poisonous, but they don’t necessarily have to taste good…
The top pie bakers will get to choose among some fine prizes, as well as be awarded a title and likely get honourable mentions in the Bramblebury Gazette. There may be some special prizes for others too!
The names of the judges are currently kept secret, to avoid the danger of bribes!
Who can participate?
Green Dragon Friday is, has always been, and will always be a hobbit event. While a few travelling dwarves are always welcome, longshanks are strongly encouraged not to come.
This may seem harsh. Why do we do it so? First of all, this is in no way based on any ill will towards men or elf characters on Laurelin, neither the players behind them. It is simply that we try to keep these two hours each week somewhat close to the inn experiences you get from books.
This means lots of hobbits. Possibly a few travelling dwarves. Taller people were likely not present at all, and elves were definitely not there. Local residents like Sam Gamgee dreamed of seeing an elf one day. You can bet that he hadn’t ever seen one dancing on the tables in the Green Dragon.
In short: If you’d like to participate
Create a hobbit character
Follow the general RP guidelines of LOTRO
Keep your chats and actions somewhat fitting of a hobbit in Tolkien’s universe
and we’ll have a grand good time together!