Green Dragon Pie Day

By Pycella Woodberry

Let’s turn this Friday into a Pie Day!

Every day is a pie day for a hobbit, but there is also a day when this glorious food is celebrated all over Middle Earth. For many years, the hobbits of the Shire have seized this opportunity to eat even more pies during a single day. More than 3.14 pies, at least!

On Friday 15th March, we have a special pie-themed Green Dragon Friday after the actual annual Pie Day. On this Friday, everything will revolve around pies! Expect a grand pie menu and tasty pie entertainment to help with the appetite: tales, poems, songs, trivia, jokes, riddles… who knows, maybe someone even shares their most prized pie recipe? If you have something pie-themed to offer, let Miss Pycella know.

Here are the details of the party:

Date: Friday 15th March

Time: 7:30PM UK ((3:30PM server time, due to clock fiddling))

Location: The Green Dragon Inn, Bywater

Welcome to join us at this light-hearted party to celebrate pies in good company!

((OOC: This is a roleplaying event for hungry hobbits and dwarves with an empty belly. Usual Green Dragon Friday guidelines apply.))