Green Dragon needs new carpet. Owner raises prices !

Post date: Oct 15, 2009 8:20:58 PM

Dance, song, fun, riddles, poetry and games it was at the Green Dragon. Every Friday evening another chance to meet fellow hobbits, exchange recipies, drinks and pie. And come into contact with the occasional traveler from the Misty Mountains, Rivendell or Bree.

And what is more comfortable than to dance the dance on a fresh, supple carpet under your own woolly hobbit foot !  

But Alas ! The present carpet gives considerable less hob and bounce than one would expect when dancing to a very lifely tune from party goer and socialite Lina! The quality of the Dragon's carpet is not one to write home about ( I assume you can write as you would not otherwise read this article ) and even the best tailor artisans would bow their heads in sorrow. Huge tears and holes, caused by too many dancing feet, spilled beer and even the occasional sword play, have done their destructive work. Yes, Barmy needs to buy a new carpet.


Barmy Rootknot has therefore raised his prices with 50 coppers !