Green Dragon Friday Yule Party 2014
Post date: Dec 20, 2014 9:56:53 AM
By Lina Willowwood
A yule-themed Green Dragon Friday! Hobbits all over are invited to celebrate yule Bywater style! And if yer have yule-themed music, stories, poetry or similar yer would like to perform, don’t hesitate to sign up!
Date: Friday December 26th
Time: 8PM UK ((3PM servertime))
Place: Green Dragon Inn, Bywater.
Yule is an important celebration for hobbits. Even though many hobbits stay home with their family and loved ones during the yule days, quite a few want to meet with their friends as usual. So it is no big surprise that Barmy over at the Green Dragon wants to get in on the yule festivities this year!
While the event will follow the usual Green Dragon format, it is especially grand if the entertainment offered has a yule theme to it, be it songs, stories, poems, riddles or similar. Welcome hobbits!
This is Green Dragon Friday, but with a yule-ish theme to it. Usual guidelines apply, which means that this is a hobbit event, with traveling dwarves welcome.
If yer know yer have some entertainment to offer the crowds, send a message or sign up during the night. We’ll try to add in as much as possible within the regular two-hour duration of the event. ))