Green Dragon Friday 16th anniversary

By Lina Willowwood

16 years and lots of beers!

Green Dragon Friday is 16 years old! Welcome to the celebration, hobbits! Dress up in yer best green outfits and bring all yer hobbit friends along!

Date: Friday May 24

Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime))

Location: Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, The Shire

Plans for the anniversary party are always flexible, but here are some things to look forward to:

Memories and Entertainment

As part of the entertainment for the night, we invite yer to take part! GDF-related songs, poetry, rhymes and such are always welcome, but we also have two particular things we’d love to get from yer:

If you have any entertainment you’d like to share, it is good if you let me know before the evening starts. Them anniversary parties can be busy, so advance signups are always grand!


Please note that Green Dragon Friday is an in-character roleplaying event for hobbits. Travelling dwarves are welcome, but as usual, we ask that the taller sorts do not take part. Roll up a hobbit character instead, it is lots of fun! ))