Green Dragon Friday 10th Anniversary Rooftop Warmup Party
Post date: Apr 21, 2018 3:19:2 PM
By Lina Willowwood
Green Dragon Friday is 10 years old, and we must celebrate!
This is the warmup roof party!
Welcome hobbits!
Date: Friday May 4
Time: 7:30PM ((UK, 2:30PM servertime))
Location: Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, The Shire.
Since the LOTRO anniversary celebration is on this Friday, the Green Dragon will be invaded by players who run around the inn looking for floating remembrance books for a quest. This is somewhat disruptive when you try drink ales and have a good time, and one of the books is even placed bang in the middle of our regular meeting spot ((shakes fist at the LOTRO quest designers)). So, this Friday, we’ll celebrate outside, starting on the roof of the Green Dragon.
Activities planned are:
The Grand GDF Green Outfit competition – see below for rules
The Grand GDF Angler championship – a short fishing competition in the Water below the inn. Sign-ups on the day.
Round one of the Grand GDF Raffle – win fun and grand prizes!
The Grand GDF Pony Dance – bring yer ponies for a dance outside the inn!
GDF-related entertainment – see below for how to sign up
Entertainer sign-up
Green Dragon Friday is home to many hobbit performers. For the parties, we encourage sign-ups in advance:
Prepare riddles, songs, poems, limericks or similar that relates to the Green Dragon, Bywater, Green Dragon Friday and/or its patrons.
Be creative! Offer to bake an anniversary pie to present and serve, tell a story/poem related to a character previously active at the event, prepare a limerick about Barmy... it is all grand!
Sign up in advance for a given date by sending me a letter. Given the other activities planned these Fridays, there may be little to no room for on-the-day sign-ups.
Any entertainment that is related to GDF somehow will be given priority.
Keep your entries short and to the point (10 minutes is max, but shorter is better)
Green Outfit Competition (no sign-ups, just wear a green outfit during the roof party on May 4)
During the warmup party on May 4, there will be a "stealth" outfit competition running through the night. A jury will choose which outfits they feel celebrate the spirit of Green Dragon Friday the best. Prizes will be awarded near the end of the night.
The only rule? Your outfit has to have a green theme! That's it! It won't have to be fully green (I hear good things about yellow...), but the main colour must indeed be green. Apart from this, feel free to try express GDF through your chosen clothes or cosmetic items (including hand-held items). There will be no sign-up for the competition, just come dressed in your best greens. Lots of prizes will be handed out, to both grand and silly costumes.
if the flute player outside of the Dragon gets annoying, remember that it is now possible to filter away particular sound effects – just remember to filter out all three of the songs he plays!
Please note that Green Dragon Friday is an in-character roleplaying event for hobbits.
Travelling dwarves are welcome as always. ))