Grand Yule Market

By Hermanniadoc

The yule market will happen on Sunday the 1st of December starting at the following time depending where you are located 2:30 pm server time, 7:30 pm GMT, and 8:30 pm CET.

Master Geoadoc Uphill a pipeweed vendor and event organiser, is hosting the Yule Market  for the third time!

All are welcome to attend both as customers and vendors.

We are looking for any bands that like to play some yule tunes as customers buy and vendors sell their wares. ((Quickpost ingame to Master Geoadoc))

Full list of vendors and bands will be printed soon.

There is also a chance to meet a certain yule time gift giving dwarf during the market.

Hope to see you there, we have safety proof the first floor so no more falling people




((but for rp reasons on the border of Bree and the Shire in the Sarn Ford area))

One way to get there is to visit the Bree Brokers Office and talk to Miss Burginda.

Ask her if you may tour a house that is for sale in Litwick.

From there, find your way to the red arrow on the map, coordinates 56.0S, 69.7W.