Grand Summer Picnic

Post date: Jun 27, 2021 12:20:30 PM

By Lina Willowwood

Pie pleasures

Joy of joys, the summer is here! And summer means time for food and drink! Well, so does the rest of the year too, but there’s one thing summer surely brings. Picnics! Get ready for this year’s Grand Summer Picnic!

Date: Sunday July 4

Time: 7:30PM ((UK/BST, 2:30PM servertime))

Location: On top of The Hill overlooking the party tree in Hobbiton, where the summer pie races used to be held.

We are pleased to invite all hobbits and good friends to this year’s summer party and picnic. Activities to look forward to include music, dancing, games, food and drinks, fireworks and competitions! And who knows, maybe them lazy Songburrow Strollers can be lured out to play a bit too?

The pies roll further

Lobelia’s Hill Pie Rolling Run returns! After earlier successes, we just had to arrange a follow-up! Wear fancy costumes and throw yerself into the chase of the pie, but remember – it is not always a question of finishing the race first ter win!

Why this run, though? Local legend has it that Bilbo Baggins once had a picnic with invited guests on top of The Hill. The times were good and the hobbits were jolly, until someone noticed Lobelia Sackville-Baggins walking determinedly towards the crowd. The ensuing escape was spectacular, with hobbits streaming down The Hill, making use of all possible and some impossible shortcuts.

They even say that one of the picnic pies started rolling down The Hill, not stopping until it hit The Party Tree. It was eaten soon after by the escaping hobbits, which improved their moods no end.

The legend may not be 100% correct, but it is to celebrate this occasion that we arrange Lobelia’s Hill Pie Rolling Run during the Grand Summer Picnic!

For rules, see below!


This is certainly a hobbit-preferred event, but well-mannered dwarves and good friends from taller persuasions may surely pop around too. Just don’t block the view of the locals once the concert starts!

Pie run rules  in this video ))