Grand Order 11th anniversary party!
Post date: Oct 01, 2018 4:38:26 PM
By Lina Willowwood
Eleven(ty?) years! We've been around for eleven years!
Oh dear... I suppose this means we have to celebrate?
Yer right, we will! And we hope to see yer there!
The hobbits of The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom have great delight in inviting our friends and acquaintances to a party of special magnificence on occasion of our eleventh anniversary!
Date: Sunday October 7
Time: 7:30PM ((UK time, 2:30PM servertime))
Location: 4 Brookbank Street, Songburrow, Shire Homesteads.
A decade and then some
The Grand Order of the Lost Mathom was founded on October 9th eleven years ago. This means it is time to celebrate!
So, there will be a grand party including speeches, drinks, food, fireworks and entertainment. The kitchens in Songburrow are gearing up already, and there is sure to be a few unexpected surprises as well. Will Strollers or Badgers show up? Will there be brandy? Dancing bears? Grumpy gaffers? Games and competitions? Gifts for the guests? Perhaps! Just don't be surprised should you find some free-roaming oinkers in the village.
Welcome to good friends, neighbours and acquaintances! We hope to see you in Songburrow!
(( OOC:
We would be delighted to extend our hospitality to the hobbits of the Shire, as well as to good friends among the dwarves and the big folk.
The event will be held IC within a RP atmosphere ((so no OOC talk, even in brackets)). Weapons and armour should not be worn within the bounds of Songburrow; please dress for a social gathering or in traveling garb. Please leave your pets at home. ))
Welcome friends!