Fourth Great Trout Tickle an astounding success
Post date: Mar 04, 2017 10:57:12 AM
By Ponso Pondhopper
This year’s trout fishing match was held as usual around the pond at Northcotton Farm in Oatbarton. All together, twenty-three contestants battled it out for the prizes. Five hundred and eighty-seven fish were caught, of which eighty-four were trout. The very few weeds that were caught were testament to Albin’s careful treatment of the pond, though a large number of old boots were fished out, which led to many raised eyebrows.
Of the trout, Rainbow trout accounted for only two catches, while the usually rarer Golden Trout accounted for six. Some doubt was raised however to Mister Simbo’s claimed catch of two after a mention of gold dye was heard!
The weedy prize, twenty packs of Dragon’s Breath went to Mister Skepto, with only three bundles of pond-weed.
The junior category was won by Mister Nomanthro with a score of 41 points. In second place, Mister Lemlo and Mister Skepto in third.
The Golden Trout Award for the first Golden Trout caught, went to Miss Nimelia.
The Species award went to Miss Dassa, who caught eight trout in total and five separate species.
The Trout Tickler award went to Mister Everbrock with a total of 58 points. In second place Mister Mermund with 49 and in third, Mister Hooh with 46 point.
Runners up were Mrs Knitbone, Mister Potty and Miss Tibba, each wining an engraved fishing rod.
Plans are already underway for the Brandywine Salmon Run in March. An announcement will be made very soon