Flying Taters

Post date: Sep 13, 2010 8:28:1 PM

The following story was reported by Adalbard Oakleaf, 6 Chalk Road.


I, Adalbard Oakleaf, was stunned by the sight of a tater hovering above my head, while I was finding my way back to Hobbiton, after leaving the Bird and the Baby inn. I swear on my old father Brellobard, that I had not been drinking......well at least not for some hours.

When I saw the tater, I ran as quickly as I could back to Michel Delving, and I told the story of the sighting. I convinced Byronbrand, a local hobbit in this neighbourhood, to follow me.

When we arrived at the scene the tater was gone. Although we looked everywhere, we could not find it. Of course I informed the Bounders about this new threat.