Fishing Match Results!

Post date: Nov 18, 2014 3:4:47 PM

By Penina Pondhopper  


Record-breaking win for Shire Angling Club member Grosgo  

The fishing match at Overhill was a huge success, with 22 contestants. In total 572 fish were caught of which:

100 were Dace

81 Charr

79 Bitterling

44 Catfish

41 Barbel

78 Goldfish

61 Minnow

42 Rudd

46 Smelt


1st Prize Mister Grosgo 53 points a new Shire Angling Club record!

(Barbel 2, Bitterling 2, Catfish 3, Charr 4, Dace 7, Giant Goldfish 2, Goldfish 1, Minnow 1, Rudd 4, Smelt 4, Weed 1)

2nd Prize Mister Hooh 50 points

(Bitterling 3, Charr 3, Dace 4, Delightful Dace 3, Goldfish 4, Minnow 1 Magnificent Minnow 1, Rudd 2, Smelt 5 NO WEEDS!)

3rd Prize Miss Tibba 49 points

(Bitterling 10, Catfish 1, Charr 1, Dace 5 Delightful Dace 1, Goldfish 1, Giant Goldfish 2, Magnificent Minnow 1, Rudd 1, Smelt 3, Weeds 1)

4th Prize Mister Potty 46 points

(Barbel 3, Bitterling 1, Catfish 2, Cunning Catfish 1, Charr 6, Colourful Charr 1, Dace 6, Delightful Dace 1, Goldfish 6, Magnificent Minnow 1, Rudd 2, Smelt 4, Weeds 4-bad luck!)

5th Prize Miss Acorne 45 points

(Barbel 1,Bitterling 2, Catfish 1, Cunning Catfish 1, Charr 3, Dace 5, Goldfish 6, Giant Goldfish 1, Minnow 5, Magnificent Minnow 1, Rudd 1, Smelt 4, Weeds 2)

6th Prize Miss Reavah 41 points

(Bitterling 4, Catfish 3, Charr 2, Dace 8, Goldfish 5, Minnow 5, Rudd 2, weeds 2)

Runners up:

Mister Ruffin 40, Miss Nimelia 39, Miss Toolee 39, Miss Kazzili 34 Miss Pogonia 33 Mister Silon 33 Mister Hobigar 33 Miss Primrrose 32

Special Prizes:

First Catfish caught: Mister Hobigar

First Dace caught: Miss Toolee

Weedy prize with 6 weeds: Miss Rubysue

Penina Pondhopper

Events Organiser

Notes: Points system

5 points for each trophy fish, 3 points for each edible fish, 1 points for all others, -5 penalty for each bunch of weeds.