'Closest Match Ever'— But record catch remains unbroken.
Post date: Mar 22, 2015 10:32:2 AM
By Ponso Pondhopper
Yesterday's fishing match, held on the banks of the Brandywine yielded a very close result in the senior category, but no record salmon catch. A total of 23 participants and several onlookers gathered at Brockenborings for the second Annual Brandywine Salmon Run. Led by Penina, they crossed the Greenfields in great anticipation, each hoping to beat the record catch of a 40 lb salmon by Bramblebury resident Mister Potty in last year's contest.
The results are as follows:
Junior Category
First Prize of a Cushioned bench and ten gold pieces to Everlin with 33 points:
Barbel: 1, Bitterling 5, Catfish 6, Charr 2, Dace 4, Giant Goldfish 1, Goldfish 3, Minnow 5, Smelt 1
Second Prize of Large White Leaf-border rug and five gold pieces to Winzigbel with 31 points:
Barbel 3, Bitterling 2, Catfish 3, Charr 6, Dace 5, Goldfish 5, Rudd 2, Ruthless Rudd 1, Smelt 3
Third Prize of a Small Ring and Leaf rug and two gold pieces to Miss Dassa, with 30 points
Barbel 1, Bitterling 5, Catfish 1, Charr 6, Dace 3, Goldfish 7, Minnow 3, Rudd 3, Smelt 4
Runners up, each winning a commemorative fishing rod: Sighleen, Lothia and Jinja
Senior Category
First Prize of a Cushioned bench and ten gold pieces to Miss Tibba Stoutfoot with 60 points:
Salmon 6, Trout 6, Bullhead 3, Golden Mullet 3, Goldfish 1, Grayling 5, Houting 3, Stickleback 4, Perch 2
Second Prize of a Large Dragon Fly rug and five gold pieces to Mister Potty with 59 points:
Salmon 1, Trout 8, Brawny Bullhead 1, Bullhead 2, Grayling 10, Great Golden Mullet 1, Houting 6, Huge Houting 1, Stickleback 2, Perch 1, Perfect Perch 1
Third Prize of a small High Seas rug and two gold pieces to Miss Nimelia Stoutfoot with 58 points:
Salmon 3, Trout 4, Brawny Bullhead 1, Bullhead 4, Golden Mullet 3, Grayling, 6, Houting 7, Stickleback 1, Perch 6
Weedy Prize of 20 bags of pipeweed for an impressive 6 clumps of weeds: Miss Neti
Salmon weigh-in
Altogether, 26 salmon were caught of which 4 were judged to be at least 20 lb. These were weighed with the following results:
Nimelia (two entries) 24 lb 10 oz and 28 lb 1 oz
Bilberri 23 lb and 2 oz
Knitbone 25 lb and 7 oz
So the winner of this year's Brandywine Salmon-run Trophy goes to Miss Nimelia Stoutfoot with a catch of 28 lb 1 oz. Her catch will be mounted and presented to her at a later date.
Mister Potty Nutbutter remains the reigning salmon champion.
A special mention goes to Miss Pennyroyal, who has completed her collection of species trout and was awarded her Trout Trophy!
The Shire Angling Club would like to thank all who took part and especially those who assisted and provided entertainment and food during the count.
The Brandy Badgers round off the post-match celebrations