Brandy Badgers Public Rehearsal, Monday 29 June
Post date: Jun 23, 2015 5:25:46 PM
By Lina Willowwood
It is rehearsal time for them Badgers again. This time, the rehearsal will be open for others to come listen in and dance. So do come along, tap yer feet and marvel at the Badgers fumbling around with their instruments!
Date: Monday June 29th
Time: 7:30PM ((UK/BST, 2:30PM servertime))
Location: Sandson's farm, Delving Fields.
The Brandy Badgers is the in-house music collective of the Grand Order of the Lost Mathom. The collective is open for all members of the kin. Members can learn about the LOTRO music system, learn new music skills, play together as a band and try out new songs, as well as work on larger music performances and projects together.
The Badgers meet regularly for rehearsals, but this time it is a public rehearsal, meaning we’d love to have yer all come and listen in. Please note that this is not a concert as such, but just one of our regular rehearsals where we try new tunes, fumble our lines, drop our lutes, shiver over bagpipes and generally have a whale of a time together. If yer want to come listen in, grand! Dance, even better!
Should yer have questions about how to make music, we’ll try answer them too.
We'll try to answer your questions, but please try to keep OOC stuff out of the /say channel! Please send a /tell in stead.
Also note that the Badgers sometimes try out tunes that may be odd in a Tolkien/Middle Earth setting. We love to test the limits of the LOTRO music system, so the odd song may pop up! Strange musical influences from Bree, I suppose.
This time, the theme of the rehearsal will be Paul McCartney songs! We played a lot of those during the spring project in April, but there are many left we didn't perform there. So do come along to dance, sing and enjoy a night of musical Macca badgers! ))