Brandy Badgers Open Rehearsal and Celebration, April 4
Post date: Apr 03, 2016 10:46:54 PM
By Peppy Bristlebrush, sketch made by Rubellita Brandybuck
After their sparkling succes with the musical "the Haunting of the Bridge Inn", the Brandy Badgers have decided to spend the next evening celebrating the good reception of their efforts at the Ivy Bush Inn, in Hobbiton.
Feel free to drop by, to help them reminiscing, to hear how they collectively made the story, the music and the lyrics. Learn about the agony of having just too little votes to vote for all your favourite tunes.... Learn how they collectively made sure that most tunes contained a bagpipe part, much to the regret of their artistic leader.It is their rehearsal day, so you'll have a great opportunity to hear them play again, or, if you missed the musical on April 3rd, just play. It's an open rehearsal, as they call it, anyone can listen in.
Aye, you are all invited to come to the Ivy Bush, Hobbiton's fine Inn (and totally unhaunted according to Master Hereward Loamsdown, the proprietor). The Brandy Badgers will play and celebrate there on Monday April 4th, starting 19:30 ((UK, 14:30 servertime))
At a later date, the Brandy Badgers will be playing more tunes by Bruco Springrock at the Golden Perch (another supposedly unhaunted inn): Those tunes, that did not make it into the musical, but are still grand. More about that soon, here in the Bramblebury Gazette.
All the music of the musical was made by Bruce Springsteen.
Open rehearsal is not open stage! The Badgers will be rehearsing as they normally would at their usual spot.))