Blissful Breeze Blows in Brago & Bros

By Acorne Oakley

Hiya Music-Luvers,

What a wonderful beginnin ta this season of the OAKS!

Thanks ta all of the tree-ifically talented members of Jailhouse Rock fer celebratin their Fifth Anniversary wit all of us in Oldfurlong ...

They shared many of their musical compositions from over the last five years wit us. So many fantastic arrangements from so many truly gifted folks ...

As well as marvelous music-makers & sensational singers.

Thanks bunches ta all of you! :D

Even tho I never had any sympathy fer Sauron was fun dancin ta that song by Rio 'bout that ring   ...and I think sum owls flew inta our neighborhood cause I know that I culd hear "whooo  hooo" from among the crowd  ~ giggles~

Of course I hope Stupo found that Tall Eluf in a black dress that he was lookin fer.  And thanks dear Wilme fer sharin a bit of yer Nightwish wit us ....

then the Great Irenella ....ooh no I wasnt sup'osed ta mention that song ...

ssshhhh! ya didnt hear about NIN  ...not from me.

and so many, many more songs ...

here ya can listen ta the entire concert thanks ta my kind Neighbor   ... 

Also a special thanks ta Magdariel fer the awesum poster I included wit my September announcement cool!

That OAKS was so much fun ...let us have another soon ...

how 'bout this saturday wit the brilliant ...

Brago & Brothers

Great idea!!!!

We all know the beautiful & charismatic Lady Bragodis will be comin wit her brothers.

She is the real 'heart' of the band but is so shy that the band goes by the name of Brago & Brothers     ~winks~

This band consists of only the four siblings in Brago's family but no one culd tell that from the sounds they produce times I think I'm listenin ta a symphony when I hear them play.

Dear Brago's musical talent is only exceeded by his kindness toward all of us who attend the events of which he is part.

This OAKS will be another fabulous party!

where:  the town square of the Oldfurlong neighborhood in the Shire homesteads

                           ((Altfurch auf Deutsch / Longuevieille en français))

when:    Saturday October 12th at seven and a half bells in the evenin 

                  (( 19:30 UK time / 20:30 CET / 2:30pm server time ))

This is the perfect chance ta invite that special one wit whom ya've always wanted ta dance.

Warm hugs all around,
