Blackmore's Night with Moonberries
Post date: Feb 28, 2022 11:45:22 PM
By Freyka Moonlight
Freyka Moonlight together with Moonberries proudly invite you all to our first official concert! We will play a set of Blackmore's Night's songs and our dear friend, Sneaky Dickins, who kindly agreed to help us, will sing some of them for you to make the event even more special with her beautiful voice!
We have been playing music for around 8 months, but only now we decided to make our own little show. Blackmore's Night is a renaissance folk rock band that holds a very special place in our hearts. Hopefully we will make you like them as well, or if you already do, we well make you like them even more!
What: a One-time concert
Where: Methel-stage, Tookland, the Shire
When: Sunday March 6, 18:30 PM ((UK, 19:30 PM CET, 1:30 PM servertime))