Birder's Picnic
By Aerinbard Fallohide
By Aerinbard Fallohide
The Mathom House Birder's Association would like to cordially invite all interested parties to the Birder's Picnic Event Sunday, August 11th.
Any interested hobbit of any experience level may attend!
Master Estmar Bolger, an expert hobbyist, has kindly agreed to meet us all at the Bird and Baby, and instruct any new birders in the art!
He has also generously offered to provide any aspiring birders with their own spyglass and Birder's Notebook!
Once everyone is kitted out, we will then take a short walk in the dircetion of Master Bingo's house share a quick bite to eat and see what birds we can find!
SUNDAY, August 11th, 7:30pm ((UK Time, 2:30pm Servertime))Â
Bird and Baby, Michel Delving, The Shire