Better short notice than no notice at all!
Post date: Mar 26, 2022 5:11:29 PM
By Peppy BristlebrushÂ
I've been told about plans to have a burrow warming, but I have not received a follow-up confirmation so far. But I have now!
All my hobbit friends tell me "Maybe a burrow warming" is still better than "No burrow warming", so I've decided to act on the information that I have:
Master Aerinbard, who recently moved into 6 Harrow Road in Elderglen, told me about his intention to have a burrow warming party on March 27th. It will start around 18:30 ((UK time, 1:30pm servertime))
For those readers who do not know Master Aerinbard yet, he is an archivist up at the Great Smials in Tuckborough. He loves music and is a poet who performed at Bullroarer Took Day this year.
There will be food, drinks and a party favour for all guests.
Everyhobbit is welcome!